Channel 20 called the day of Jay Leno’s arrival. They wanted a unique twist on the Leno’s coming to Michigan and we served up a great story idea. The news guy was a one man crew. The story aired later that night with much anticipation it was short and sweet. The news guy was also going to Auburn Hills to do an interview with Jay Leno at the Palace and we asked if he might give Jay Leno a letter for us asking him to come and try the burger named in his honor. He said he would and he also asked if he take Mr. Leno a Leno burger too. We thought that was a great idea and then we realized that the Palace is fifty minutes away from Jaws Jumbo Burgers and that wasn’t such hot idea after all (pun intended). We never saw that media man again even though we gave him a free Thank You Jay Leno Burger with fries and drink to tote. The station he works at is about 5 miles away from us. We also asked that he give us a copy of the segment he did on Jaws. We are still waiting. Ummm…Things that make you say umm… Now needless to say we were super busy before Jay Leno and after Leno’s arrival and departure. The day Mr. Leno was leaving a Channel 7 WXYZ photog stopped by to get b-roll. We offered him a Leno burger, but he was a vegetarian. Some dumb luck… this guy was not super excited about this burger at all. Later that night we watched the news cast to see if we made it in the lineup and we were pushed out by a cop that pulled a man out his car seconds before it exploded. We were so disappointed when we heard Jay Leno left town and didn’t call or stop by. We had a reserved table tent sign for Leno and everything. Oh well.
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